25 September 2014

Six Inches Of Truth: The dissertation of shagging.

Back when I was at Uni, I had to write a dissertation. I say at Uni, I used to tell birds I was at Uni, so I had to write one to trick them into believing me.

"You do Computers and Science?"

22 September 2014

Six Inches Of Truth: Jary McKyle, a Jeremy Kyle special.

So after my last effort, I have had a lot of responses from people around the world wide interwebs, but they will have to wait until next time. Today, I am going to undertake what most would say is a thankless task. I am going to attempt to solve some of Jeremy Kyle's toughest questions.

3 September 2014

Let's Not Play: Playstation All-Stars Battle Royale

Big Steve From England again. Today, I'm not going to be playing Playstation All-Stars Battle Royale. Purely because it has gone on PS+ over here in the UK today and some people may be looking to see if it's worth actually downloading or not.

Oh, and also because I haven't played it.