The Team
(A.K.A: Foul Mike)
(A.K.A: Foul Mike)
(A.K.A: J)
Joe is responsible for the bulk of the artistic design in F.E.'s gaming department, as well as a great amount of writing for the site's blogs and games. He's also a main stay on the voice cast for Foul Fiction. He's a founding member of F.E. Other than that, he's a lovely bloke, if a bit wrong in the head.
(A.K.A: Big Steve From England)
Chris, or Steve, contributes to most things on the site, whether it's writing ill informed blogs, voice acting in Foul Fiction, or helping with the coding, design and writing of F.E.'s gaming developments. He's a founding member of F.E. and far less interesting than his mugshot suggests.

(A.K.A: Sarypop)
Sar often points the boys of the site in the right direction when it comes to planning, scheduling and just about doing anything. Often the drive behind the more public faces of the site, Sar also contributes to the site with her own blogs, reviews and edits content and markets the site over social networks. She's also a founding member of F.E.
Every great institution has a mystery. Ours is The Cunt. Not fit to go by any other name, Cunt puts the Foul into Foul Entertainment. His main duties are as code monkey, writer and general technical lackey for the gaming division. He also shared his less than safe-for-work thoughts with the world after our ill informed decisions to give him a voice on the blogs. He's a founding member and quite possibly the worst human of us all. He's surprisingly good at parties, though.
Darren is a the co-host of PopScorn and Talk Amongst Yourselves. His history of working with F.E. members on past shows have given him a pedigree in audio content, which meant bringing him on board for our shows was a no-brainer. You can find more of Darren online here.
Luke is the co-host of Talk Amongst Yourselves. A long time friend of the F.E. team, he luckily holds enough strong, controversial opinions to fit in right at home with the rest of the crew.
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