4 January 2015

Farewell to Blogger, Hello to FoulEntertainment.com!

It is with a heavy heart but bold dreams that today we are officially leaving our Blogger site. Sad times, right? But fear not, because we can now be found at...


Holy crapsacks, you guys, it's happened! We've made the jump to our own dot com site! Everything you know and love will be there; PopScorn, Talk Amongst Yourselves, Foul Fiction and Let's Not Play, with brand new features starting tomorrow!

Thanks for your continued support and views. You're truly Foul and we love you.

See you on the new site!

1 January 2015

NEW Podcast! Talk Amongst Yourselves - Episode 6: The Big 2015 Preview

Happy New Year, everyone! It's an exciting year for pop culture. That's why (nearly) all of the F.E. crew came together to discuss what we're most looking forward to in 2015!

As always, remember to visit us on SoundCloud and iTunes.

Have a year.